Late to Class
I was late to my afternoon class today. You may wonder why (or not – but humor me).Was it because I left school at lunch to go pick my sister-in-law up from the airport?
Nope. But I did pick up my s-i-l. Yay!
Was it because the waitress at the Japanese restaurant we went to for lunch was painfully slow?
No – although she was. The sushi freaking rocked though!
Was traffic particularly bad?
Oooh – you’re getting warmer.
Was there an accident?
Um, not really.
Could it have been that there was a BOAT blocking the freeway exit and backing up traffic for miles on both the freeway and the major cross-street?
A BOOOOOAAAAT! Actually, aYacht. Blocking the freeway because some rich dumbass couldn’t transport the damned thing during hours when it wouldn’t back up traffic when it gets stuck turning onto the major cross-street. Because the people moving it were totally incompetent and got it stuck.
That’s right. A Boat. Backing up traffic on the Freeway for a long time. In a Major U.S. City.
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