You Know You're Really A Lawyer When...
You're amazed when otherwise fair and rational people ask you questions like "How could you ever defend someone who is on trial for Crime X?!!!"It's a purely academic question for me at this point since I'm a prosecutor, but I've been asked this question twice in the last week - and both times I was completely flabbergasted. Primarily because neither of the people (both of whom I like and respect) ever considered that just because a person is accused of a crime doesn't mean he or she actually committed it. They both also seemed to assume that the defense attorney always "knows" their client did the crime and is somehow manipulating the system to get their client off on "technicalities."
Did I used to think that way too?
Though I'm not a lawyer yet. (J.D. yes, bar exam in July....can't wait! Then I get offered by base by the USAF, *crosses fingers*)
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