Legal Quandary

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

LQ Expose, Volume 1, Issue 2

This is where I google and make fun of catch up with my former classmates.

Our current victim candidate: a guy I went to High School AND College with, we'll call him "Thad". We were on swim team together in High School and hated each other. With a passion. When he showed up in my Biology class in College, he seemed less of an asshole immature. We would even hang out from time to time, until he abruptly left school to support his drug habit "join the Army."

LQ: So, Thad, what have you been up to?
Thad: Well, I'm a successful business man. As you can see by my ad, I've been working in real estate. I'm a multi-million dollar producer and a member of the 100% Club.
LQ: What the hell is the 100% Club?
Thad: Have no idea. The Big/Ass Real Estate Company just tells us all to put this on our advertising.
LQ: Uh, great, well, since you brought it up, it also says in your ad that you love several things.
Thad: That's right, LQ, I love God, Country, Family, Football, and Beer. In that order. You see, when it comes right down to it, I'm just a regular guy.
LQ: Do you find that advertising your love of beer helps you in your business?
Thad: Oh, absolutely! People feel like they can relate to me - like I'm just a regular guy. Some people, especially in these parts, would even consider a common love of beer to be a prerequisite for making a purchase of as large as $5000. Real estate's a very competitive market. The beer issue is a tie breaker at the very least.
LQ: Uh-huh. Well, there you have it folks. Let's check out Thad's ad so we can see some of the shitholes fine homes that have helped make Thad a multi-million dollar producer:

Just A Regular Guy Posted by Hello

I love it! Does "Thad" know about this blog? Too funny.
Nope - to the best of my knowledge you are the only person who knows the "true" identity of "Thad."

Always happy to amuse...
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