Legal Quandary

Friday, September 30, 2005


Jim commented the other day on how living in TVPNM can make you a "weather wuss" in no time at all.

I had a total of 6 years on the West Coast before heading east this past summer, and let's just say that despite my Midwest upbringing, I was unused to breaking into a sweat the moment I left my house.

Last night's dip into the low 50's and today's temp of 63 were therefore a welcome change. I actually had to wear a jacket for my walk to the metro this morning - not just to wear in class. (Our building is EXTREMELY cold. I routinely take a sweatshirt/cardigan/parka to school with me to ward off frostbite. I even had problems typing the other day because my thumbs went numb.)

Of course, this in no way waives my right to bitch when the temperature drops below freezing and stays there this winter.