Dear Checkout Lady,
I come to your store more or less for only one reason: to buy something piddly with my debit card and get cash back because I am too cheap to pay ATM fees, even though my bank refunds them.So when you put up a little sign about "no cash back" on your checkout aisle after I've waited in line for 15 minutes because you are - I swear to God - the slowest checkout lady on Earth, I'm gonna challenge you on it. If you had given me a good reason like, say, a mechanical glitch, I probably would have let it slide. BUT if you tell me that you do that because other people have gotten way too much cash back and wiped out all the bills in your drawer…well, do you see how that's not my problem? And how there are less drastic means of achieving the same goal? Like setting reasonable limits on how much cash you can get back - you know, the way MOST places do it???
The thing is, you made it more or less clear to me that this was your OWN little policy and not that of the store, so if you're going to play the bitch, well…I'll see your bitch and raise you. And don't say you didn't have fair warning - I was wearing my TVPNU Law t-shirt.
When it comes between getting some uppity checkout clerk in trouble or going home and writing a paper, I think we all know that paper's not getting written.
Just doing my part to give lawyers and law students a bad name.
Hugs & Kisses
Also, I do actually go there for more than just rinky dink stuff - just not every time I'm there. You just have to trust me that the whole getting cash thing makes sense in my world.
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