Legal Quandary

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Had All the Fun I Can Stand

After a full 12 hours or so of teaching myself Fed Cts by way of reviewing several outlines, going back to the text, and looking the cases up in Casenotes, I've decided it's time to call it quits for the night.

I shall now retire to my room to read my Nutshell in bed for about 30 minutes and then gently place it under my pillow in the hope that it will do some good.

I am certain I shall awake tomorrow morning with a complete understanding of Younger abstention doctrine, habeas corpus, and whatever other stuff I should have picked up sometime during the last 10 weeks.

For those of you waiting for acceptance letters - just remember - this is what you have to look forward to.

Oh yeah. I can't wait. Be sure to let us know how the whole sleeping-with-the-book-under-your-pillow thing works out. Then again, maybe it'll be the soup you made that pushes you over the top. Good luck!
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