Legal Quandary

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cubs Win! Cubs Win!

Congratulations to EC and thanks to everyone who sent their thoughts and good wishes this way!

EC and her team clinched the city Global Reading Challenge title last night, missing only 1 question! They'll go on to the internet final with the winner of the Kalamazoo, MI Challenge next Friday, so I'll be asking for more cosmic energy then!

One interesting thing about the finals. At the beginning, the librarians read off a list of rules...including one prohibiting betting. Apparently it had been an issue in the past. I guess the 10 year old set is more sophisticated than when I was going to school. (Or maybe it's the parents betting - I can't figure out which is more pathetic.)

Also Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Uncle Q, who is now officially retired!

You know that you totally ponied up for the betting at :)
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