Legal Quandary

Monday, May 09, 2005

Caffeinated State

I’m a little worried about my ability to sustain my coffee habit after the great migration. No – I don’t worry that I’m drinking too much. I’m more concerned that when we move it will 1) become too expensive 2) be too complicated.

The expensive part is more or less self-explanatory. At $4 a cup, Starbucks gets pricey pretty damned quick. I’m trying to brew a pot at home a couple days a week, but some most days, a girl just needs a mocha. Or a latte. With an extra shot.

I’m lobbying hard for Mr. Q to catch on and just buy me a good espresso maker, but so far he hasn’t taken up the bait. Maybe if I kept all my Starbucks receipts for a month, he’d realize that said machine would pay for itself pretty quickly. Does anyone have a machine they love that won’t break the bank? (In the $200-$300 range.)

The second concern is also troublesome. When I first moved to TVPNM, I was an occasional coffee drinker – a social drinker, if you will. I started with the occasional nonfat mocha. My neighbor and I would go out for coffee maybe once a week. Once I started school, all bets were off. I started drinking coffee several times a week and just went up from there. The school didn’t help matters much by installing a coffee shop right in the building (though they make terrible coffee, so I typically go elsewhere). And the longer I’ve been here, the more complicated my coffee order has become. Just a normal nonfat mocha has evolved into a Venti (b/c anything else is just too small), 3 pump (b/c otherwise it’s too sweet), triple (not enough caffeine otherwise), nonfat, extra hot (b/c I have absolutely no use for cold coffee.)

This isn’t exactly out of place in TVPNM, but I worry about it in another part of the country. In fact, when we were in DC a couple of weeks ago, I stopped off at a Starbucks and rattled off my order. At first they just stared at me. Then I had to repeat myself. Twice. And they still missed the extra hot.

See why I need my own machine?

On another note - it irritates the snot out of me that there’s a guy in one of my classes who drinks his hot coffee through a straw. If you can’t drink it without a straw, you obviously don’t need the caffeine bad enough.

I moved from the West Coast to the East Coast, and have had to make some coffee adjustments. Starbucks is not as frequent as it was back there but they are around. Both school and home. We also have Dunkin Donuts everywhere, and their coffee costs $1.65. But for the fact that it tastes like ash, that would be great.

My Caramel Macchiatos have, in fact, shifted from a daily habit to an ocassional treat.
Yes, get a machine, and then teach EC how to make it just the way you like it. They're never too young to learn. But sorry, no suggestions on the specific machine. In fact, when you find a good one, please let me know. :)

Of course, the fact that you have a machine never means that you stop going to Starbucks. Which are on every other block around here. Bad.
I like the idea of having EC make my coffee. Better yet - I should teach Lil Q. She's almost 3 - it's about time she started earning her keep around here! Also, it's only fair, since she typically insists on drinking part of my coffee. Combined with her Asian genes, the child is doomed to be vertically challenged.

I DO know that there's a Starbucks right as you come up from the Metro stop near GMU Law. Of course, they're the ones who messed up my order!
Maybe he is just trying to lesson the impact it will have on turning his teeth yellow.

Although, good point, if you're drinking coffee through a straw you're obviously not hardcore.
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